Show Up, Speak Up, and Get What You Want!
This program will give you all the tools you need to speak for your business in a new and effective way.
You will:
Design and craft a short talk to get heard and noticed.
Gain personal presence.
Get crystal clear on your ideal client and your offer.
Learn powerful presentation skills that are necessary and key in getting your message across.
Present your talk live to accelerate your business and get what you want!
Empowering you to take your public speaking to a new level of connection, clarity and confidence!
Presenting information in a clear, effective way is key in getting your message across.
What you don’t say matters as much as what you do say. Your body language can add to or detract from your message.
Learn presentation skills that make all the difference.
Some speakers don’t realize they are missing a perfect opportunity to make an offer to their audience. Knowing what to offer and how to offer it can help you grow your business with clients who are excited about what you have to give!
You will learn how to identify your offer and know how to offer it powerfully.
You will craft a signature talk, which is a business tool to attract clients. It’s based on what you want to be known for.
This isn’t where you speak about what someone else wants you to speak about, but what YOU want to speak about to an audience of your ideal client and make them an irresistible offer!
It’s important to clearly identify your ideal client so you know who you are speaking to and what is important to them. Otherwise, how will you know what to offer them?
People don’t want to buy from generalists, they want to buy from an expert. You can’t be an expert in everything.
Storytelling is the heart of any good talk. This is how you connect with people and what makes them decide to listen to you or not.
Stories engage your audience and bring your talk to life.
Telling your own story also lets the audience of your ideal client know you have been in their shoes.
Deliver your talk designed to accelerate your business and gain the visibility you’re looking for.
Get generous, useful real-time feedback and coaching on your talk and your speaking to use going forward in future talks.
Get seen, heard and known as an expert in your field.
Show Up, Speak Up and Get What You Want!
Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs: How to show up, speak up and get what you want for your business and your life!
As an entrepreneur / solopreneur, you are the face of your business, and often the only person in your business. You may frequently find you are working in your business instead of on your business. Getting out in front of audiences of your target market gives you more visibility. When you increase your exposure, you get recognized as an authority and expert in your field and naturally draw in more business.
Millions of entrepreneurs feel like they are the best kept secret. But, the real secret is public speaking to gain visibility. Speaking to many gains you leads and business all at once and is a lot easier than the one-to-one way of doing things you’ve gotten used to, or were even trained to do.
Meet Donna Riccardo
I’ve been a speaker and a trainer for over 30 years.
I’m passionate about this field because I struggled with speaking to people one-to-one, one-to-a-small group, and especially to an audience from the front of the room.
I now work with women entrepreneurs so they know how to connect with their audience, speak with clarity and show up confidently.
My clients learn how to represent and express themselves powerfully in a business setting to accelerate the growth of their business.
When I speak, I teach my audience how to show up, speak up and get what they want to make the income they need to have the life they want!
What My Clients are Saying:
“My time with Donna was worth every minute. I have gone through years of not having the right response of the audience from my presentations to having complete confidence in my new presentation. I couldn’t have structured it without the knowledge and help of Donna. I highly recommend Donna Riccardo – Red Stiletto“.
Michelle Paul, Founder / CEO, Denver Virtual Staging / Denver, CO